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Debunking the Leg Myth in Hitting: Elevate Your Game with Effective Techniques


Debunking the Leg Myth in Hitting: Elevate Your Game with Effective Techniques

In baseball, one of the most common pieces of advice hitters receive is that power comes from their legs. While this is true to some extent, the real key to hitting success lies in bat speed. There is no such thing as a slow bat home run hitter. In this blog, we'll explore why bat speed is crucial, the role of your legs in hitting, and how to optimize your swing for better performance.

The Myth of Leg Power

The Role of Legs in Hitting

Your legs are important in hitting, but they are not the end-all-be-all. The primary function of your legs is to provide a stable platform for your swing. They help you maintain balance and adjust to different pitches, but they do not directly generate the bat speed needed to hit home runs.

Naturally Occurring Leg Movement

For most hitters, the use of their legs happens naturally. Focusing excessively on perfect leg positioning can be counterproductive. Instead, trust that your legs will naturally put you in a position to be offensive and focus on what truly matters: bat speed and swing mechanics.

The True Source of Power: Bat Speed

Why Bat Speed Matters

Bat speed is the most critical factor in generating power. The faster you can swing the bat, the more force you can impart on the ball, resulting in harder and longer hits. There are no home run hitters with slow bats; bat speed is what separates good hitters from great hitters.

Techniques to Increase Bat Speed

  1. Strength Training: Focus on building upper body and core strength. Exercises like: Pullups, bench presses, reverse and standard rows, and rotational core exercises can help increase your bat speed.
  2. Swing Mechanics: Work on refining your swing mechanics to ensure a smooth, quick, and efficient path to the ball.

Using Your Legs Effectively

Legs as a Platform for Success

While bat speed is paramount, your legs still play a crucial role in providing a stable platform for your swing. Proper leg positioning helps you make necessary adjustments during your swing, whether you need to condense or stretch your swing depending on the pitch location.

Adjustability in Your Swing

  1. Condensing Your Swing: If a pitch is inside, you may need to condense your swing. Your legs help you posture back to create room between you and the inside pitch, even if it’s coming in hard and fast.
  2. Stretching Your Swing: For pitches on the outside part of the plate, of course, we make every effort to stay back and allow the ball to travel but, your legs can also enable you to stretch your swing and reach the ball effectively if you get fooled. WHICH YOU WILL!

Practical Drills for Leg Positioning

  1. Balance Drills: Practice balance drills to ensure your legs provide a stable foundation. 
  2. Swing Adjustability Drills: Incorporate drills that simulate different pitch locations and speeds, forcing you to adjust your swing while maintaining balance.

The Balance Between Power and Adjustability

Perfect Is Not Always Necessary

In hitting, striving for a perfect leg position is not always practical. Major league hitters often make contact from less-than-perfect leg positions. The key is to be able to adjust and still generate power and control, even when everything isn’t perfect.

Focus on Adjustments

The ability to adjust is what separates good hitters from great ones. By using your legs as a platform to make these adjustments, you can handle a variety of pitches and still make solid contact. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining consistency and power at the plate.


Bat speed is the true source of power in hitting, but your legs play a vital role in providing a stable and adjustable platform for your swing. By focusing on increasing your bat speed and using your legs effectively to make adjustments, you can elevate your game and achieve better performance at the plate.

For more tips and insights, visit Lupos Baseball. Check out a free preview of my book BASS: The Path To Elite Level Hitting and feel free to ask Coach Leo a question.

Embrace the importance of bat speed and effective leg use, and watch your hitting performance soar to new heights.


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