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How to Hit a Curveball: Mastering the Art of Recognizing and Hitting Breaking Pitches


How to Hit a Curveball: Mastering the Art of Recognizing and Hitting Breaking Pitches

The curveball is a pitch that many hitters dread. Pitchers love their curveballs and often use them to keep hitters off balance. There are countless videos, books, and tutorials on how to hit a curveball, but in this blog, we will focus on our approach to recognizing and hitting this tricky pitch. We'll discuss why it's essential to work on hitting curveballs, how to recognize them, and provide actionable tips to improve your performance against breaking pitches.

Why Work on Hitting Curveballs?

Pitchers frequently rely on their curveballs to disrupt hitters' timing. A steady diet of curveballs can make it difficult to stay consistent at the plate. Learning to recognize and hit curveballs effectively can significantly improve your overall hitting performance.

The Opportunity to Capitalize

Curveballs are thrown at lower speeds compared to fastballs, offering an excellent opportunity to make solid contact and drive the ball. Hanging curveballs, in particular, can be hit for extra bases or even home runs. By mastering the curveball, you can turn a pitcher's strategy against them.

Recognizing the Curveball

Visual Cues

Recognizing a curveball starts with understanding its visual cues. Unlike a fastball, a curveball has a distinctive downward break due to the pitcher's grip and release. The key is to identify this movement early.

Simple Recognition Cue: "If It Looks Like a Ball, It's a Strike. If It Looks Like a Strike, It's a Ball."

This simple cue helps hitters anticipate the curveball's movement. A curveball that looks like a ball high in the zone will often drop into the strike zone, while one that looks like a strike will usually drop out of the zone. By using this cue, you can better judge whether to swing or take the pitch.

Approach to Hitting Curveballs

1. Stay Tall to Hit Down

Instead of chasing the downward movement of the curveball, stay tall and keep your hands and head up. This approach helps you attack the ball from above, maintaining a strong and controlled swing.

2. Let It Travel

Allow the curveball to come to you rather than reaching for it. Letting the ball travel deeper into the strike zone enables you to make better contact and adjust to its break.

3. Swing Hard

Many hitters decelerate their swing when facing a curveball, resulting in weak contact. Maintain your bat speed and swing hard to ensure you drive the ball with authority.

Practical Drills for Hitting Curveballs

Recognition Drills

  1. Live Pitch Recognition: Have a coach or teammate throw a mix of fastballs and curveballs. Focus on identifying the curveball's break early.
  2. Pitching Machine: Use a pitching machine set to throw curveballs. This allows for consistent practice and helps improve recognition and timing.

Swing Drills

  1. Tee Drill: Place a ball on a tee set to mimic the curveball's low point in the strike zone. Practice staying tall and driving the ball with a level swing.
  2. Soft Toss: Have a partner toss curveballs underhanded. Focus on letting the ball travel and maintaining a strong, controlled swing.

The Importance of Backspin

Creating Backspin

When hitting a curveball, aim to create backspin. This helps the ball carry further. The pitcher generates overspin to create the downward movement of the curveball, so by hitting from above and generating backspin, you counteract this effect and drive the ball with more power.

Staying Up to Hit Down

By staying tall and attacking the ball from above, you create the necessary backspin. This technique not only helps you hit the ball harder but also increases the likelihood of line drives and extra-base hits.


Hitting a curveball effectively is crucial for any serious hitter. By recognizing the pitch early and using a strategic approach, you can improve your performance against breaking pitches. Remember to stay tall, let the ball travel, and swing hard to generate backspin and drive the ball with power.

For more tips and insights, visit Lupos Baseball. Check out a free preview of my book BASS: The Path To Elite Level Hitting and feel free to ask Coach Leo a question.

Master these techniques, and you'll turn the dreaded curveball into an opportunity for success at the plate.


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